Further Information
What does Loyola do?
Loyola provides student tutoring services in Perth, which include GATE tutoring, Math tutoring and English tutoring. We hold two hour face to face classes once a week and our tutors cater specifically to Gifted and Talented tutoring (GATE Tutoring), covering quantitative reasoning (maths tutoring), general ability also known as abstract reasoning, reading comprehension and writing (English tutoring).
I missed out enrolling and the classes are sold out, what do i do?
Our classes usually get filled out within a week or two of opening. To ensure that our tutors can provide the best quality tutoring for GATE and for general primary school tutoring, we will not take on more students once a class is full.
Do you cover all 4 subjects?
Our tutors cover all four subjects tested in the GATE exam: Writing, Reading, Quantitative Reasoning and Abstract reasoning (also known as General Ability). We also do Math and English tutoring catered mostly for year 6 primary school students in Perth.
Do you provide online tutoring?
We do provide weekly online classes for enrolled students for both GATE and general Math and English tutoring. If you live far away or our classes were booked out and you missed out on enrolling, email us for more information catered to you.